Thursday, October 4, 2018

Author Interview: Lainy Bradshaw

I met Lainy a few years ago when we were connected with the same publisher. She's a fantastic writer, and was kind enough to take some time away from plotting a new book so she could answer some questions for us.

Tell us a little bit about you. Where are you from? What kind of books do you write? How many books have you written? Do you set your stories in the area you live in? 
Well, I live in England, not far from Cambridge. I have written six full length novels, a YA novella and a few.shorter novelettes. Most of my stories are set in England, although not necessarily in my particular corner. 

Most writers I know are voracious readers. What kind of books do you like to read? What’s your favorite book?

I don't have a favourite genre to read. I do love Terry Pratchett. He is my all-time favourite author. I do read anything from fantasy to erotic romance and most things in between. I'm not a fan of horror because I'm a bit of a wuss. My favourite book? That's a tough one...probably The lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. That was the book that ignited my love of the written word.

Let’s play a quick game of “This or That”. 

Real books or e-books? Real books
Coffee or tea? Tea
Sweet or savory? Sweet
Dogs or cats? Cats
Morning or night? Morning

Would you mind telling us about your writing style? Such as: Do have a routine? Do you need complete silence or blaring music? Early morning writing or late nite writing?

I don't plan a story as such. I have a general idea of where I want to go but the  I let the characters lead me. I prefer having noise when I write and I prefer late nite writing. 

Do you have a favorite “writing” snack?

Just food in general...

Which do you think is the hardest to write: the first sentence or the last one?

Definitely the last

What is your biggest distraction while writing?

Social media

What is the best writing advice you’ve ever received?

To write for myself. 

Do you have any advice for new writers?

Probably to read as much as you write. if you don't read, I don't believe you can write well.

What’s next for you? What do your readers have to look forward to?

I have several works to finish. The Midnight Tigers series still has two or maybe three stories left to tell. I'm also writing a spin-off/prequel to The Solitude Series along with a few short novelettses as well or two more ideas I'm working on. 

Where can we connect with you? Tell is where to find you online.

I'm on Facebook and Twitter. (or you could join  my group- Lainys rambling roses) @lainybradshaw on Twitter. I'm also on Instagram @writerlainy.


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