Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Elizabeth Tudor: Ancestry of Sorcery ~ A Review

FROM AMAZON: On her birthday, Elizabeth Tudor steps away from the celebration distracted by an exceptionally brilliant harvest moon. As she gazes upward, the familiar light surrounding the heavenly orb dances, swirls, then coalesces, dropping out of the heavens to hit the princess quite shockingly in the face. The moment the light touches Elizabeth, her skin begins to glow, which is most definitely a problem. Even more unsettling, Elizabeth soon finds herself casting about her own orbs of light. These orbs somehow give her an unearthly control over the mind and willpower of her loved ones and force her to ask the same deadly question that took her own mother's life: could she possibly be a sorceress? As the disturbing manifestations continue to multiply, a distressed Elizabeth is suddenly faced with a new issue. She receives an eerie invitation from her murdered mother, Anne Boleyn. Unable to stop herself, Elizabeth is swept away on a quest to uncover an ancestral secret that may change not only her, but the very fabric of England's future.

This coming of age story invites the reader to reimagine a well known story. The author delves deeply into the heart and mind of a very young Elizabeth Tudor and follows her as she progresses from a promising, potential monarch, to the historic virgin queen we all crave to know more about.

MY REVIEW: (5 STARS)  This book asks the question: What if? 

What if Elizabeth I inherited powers from her mother? What if she struggled with those powers as she grew from a young girl to a young woman? What if she used those powers to help make England a better country?

I adore all things Tudor, and this book is no exception. Pocock created the perfect balance between historical fact and fiction, weaving in fantasy themes and creating a world that is taunt with suspense and emotion. 

I sense a sequel, simply because there were some unresolved issues at the end. If and when it's available, I'll be reading it. 


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