Friday, May 17, 2019

Author Spotlight: April Wahlin

I'm pleased to introduce you to fellow author April Wahlin. She was kind enough to answer a few questions so we can get to know her better.

Tell us a little bit about you. Where are you from?
San Diego, CA.

What kind of books do you write?
Fiction of all different genres, Urban Fantasy, High Fantasy, Fairy Tale, Steampunk, etc.

 How many books have you written?
Eleven, two published.

Do you set your stories in the area you live in?
My current novel is based in LA where I currently live.

Most writers I know are voracious readers. What kind of books do you like to read? What’s your favorite book?
My favorite book at the moment is A Court Of Thorns And Roses.

Let’s play a quick game of “This or That”. 
Real books or e-books? E-books
Coffee or tea? Tea
Sweet or savory? Sweet
Dogs or cats? Cats
Summer or winter? Winter
Morning or night? Night

 Would you mind telling us about your writing style? Such as: Do have a routine? Do you need complete silence or blaring music? Early morning writing or late nite writing?
I actually do my best writing away from the house so I like to go to coffee shops.

Do you have a favorite “writing” snack?
Whatever won't leave crumbs on my keyboard.

Which do you think is the hardest to write: the first sentence or the last one?
The first, it’s what most people go off.

What is your biggest distraction while writing?

What is the best writing advice you’ve ever received?
Don’t stop.

Do you have any advice for new writers?
Don’t stop.

What’s next for you? What do your readers have to look forward to?
The second book in my Pandora trilogy.

Where can we connect with you? Tell is where to find you online.

Link to purchase copies


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