This is my first blog post of 2018, and it only seems fitting that it's about the word I've chosen to be my Word of the Year.
This is the first time I've chosen a word of the year. I had never heard of doing so until a few days ago, when prolific author and blogger Charlotte Rains Dixon made her own blog post about it. After reading her post, and the reason for choosing a word of the year, I decided to give it a try.
The word I chose is: COURAGE.
I hope I can live up to the word. I chose it for several reasons. Sometimes, as a writer, I lack courage to reach out and try harder for the things I want. Sometimes, as a person, I lack courage to speak up and say no when something bothers me, or to ask for help if I need it. So . . .
I want the courage to make 2018 a year I can look back on with pride.
I want the courage to meet, if not exceed, my personal goals this year.
I want the courage to reach out to others and ask for help if I need it.
I want the courage to say no to things and people that harm me.
I want courage. I will find courage.
This is my promise to myself.
What is your word of the year for 2018?
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