Sunday, February 18, 2018


Sometimes life gets in the way of everything. Know what I mean? You stay so busy with work and shuttling the kids back and forth that everything else seems to fade away. 

It happens to me on a regular basis, especially with blogging.


I'm going to take a minute to catch you up on things happening in my world. 

My youngest nerdling gets her braces off today!! Yay! I know she's excited. So am I. This is a big moment for my eleven-year-old.

I had to say goodbye to my sweet Belle-dog just a few days ago. She was fifteen and had lived a good life. It's hard to let your fur babies go when it's time for them to cross over the Rainbow Bridge, but I know she's not suffering any more.

I have a short story that will be included in the Crazy Fools Anthology! I'm thrilled to be included with such talented authors. The blurb, book cover, and preorder link are below.

“We’re all mad here.”

- Cheshire Cat - ‘Alice in Wonderland’

Crazy Fools: A Crazy Ink Anthology

It takes all kinds of crazy to make the world spin and keep people interesting. The line between sanity and insanity can be threaded with the thinnest strings. Sometimes, walking that edge takes stepping into the madness…

Six authors, six stories with varying degrees of insanity and one common theme – exploring the crazy condition called life. 
What makes your head spin? Where is your line? What’s the difference between madness and sanity? How far would you be willing to travel into madness to feel again?

With something for everyone, Crazy Fools will toss you into the delicious mayhem it sometimes takes to feel alive… 

Also, just in case you didn't know . . . I have three short stories you can read for free on Wattpad

Those Who Wait is a Christmas story of less than a thousand words. 

When You Know is a short story about Marion, Hope's best friend from Red Hot Reunion

Love Me Again is a sweet second-chance short story that will always be exclusive to Wattpad.

(Don't forget to follow me--signing up for a Wattpad account is free--and vote and comment!)

I know that's a lot to throw at you at once. I promise to do better next time.


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